******Make ward meetings, activities, firesides, and open houses of such quality and interest that it will make members feel eager to invite acquaintances to attend.******
We went bowling last pday as a zone. Sister Reza went to the temple with all the departing missionaries and President. I am TERRIBLE at bowling, right Abby? But I was actually winning (must have been rigged, right?;)
We visited Celita with Presidente Meneses (in the stake presidency) and he showed her a video that really helped her understand our purpose and love for her. I loved seeing a member come and explain his testimony and help her with the technology he has and a video he found in order to do missionary work!
We went to the library to help Sister Reza find out which colleges she should apply to for her major. It was really crazy to help and go through the college application process again.
CONGRATS ABBY FOR BYU!! Seriously you deserve it and I'm so excited for you! I know you'll do great things in college!
We had a "power hour" with the STL's. When I was out with Sister Aguilar, we visited a lady and we asked if we could share with her in just a couple short minutes our purpose and such. She let us in and we started teaching her. When we had to leave to meet up with our other companions we set up a return appointment.
We were told there would be SNOW on Thursday!! It was nothing but another day for rain in Utah! We went to Escalante and I taught Al. He loves talking about his wife, it is a sad story that almost made me cry? We asked if he had a picture of her and he said, "No, when she died, within a week her sisters came and took EVERYTHING that was hers or anything that reminded me of her." That broke my heart because you can see how much he loves her.
Later we were walking around Escalante and Lorenzo, who also lives there, said he would like a priesthood blessing. I called the elders and asked if they could come and they did, but before they arrived his granddaughter ....little Carry- she is so funny! I told her to get inside because it was raining and cold (somewhat snowing) and she was like "OH NO I LOVE THE RAIN!" Lorenzo followed up with, "MY GRANDDAUGHTER DANCES IN IT!" My thoughts were "oh how nice..." but then they were interrupted by her screaming "IN HER BIRTHDAY SUIT!"
....TMI.... #MissionProbs
Hermano Rojas came out with us on a lesson with Irene. We asked her the baptismal questions so she could see her progress and where she is on her conversion. We had to end early but Hermano Rojas gave his conversion story-- I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS A CONVERT-- he's like my dad in that sense. SUPER converted to the gospel and shows it in his service to the Lord that people believe he grew up in the church. Some converts have some of the strongest testimonies. There are so many missionaries in my mission that have been less active and are serving now or baptized within the past 3 years.
Zone Conference in Toelle was SO good. It was sad to see President Hansen go, but I sang Joseph Smith's First Prayer to the tune of Come thou fount. I felt the spirit so strong. We talked about obedience, diligence, and faith. It was such a great zone conference. That night we had an FHE with 2 recent converts and it was fun to teach them about Family History and show them my family tree.
We went to the Salt Lake Temple on Saturday morning with Honorio, our 77 year old recent convert to do baptisms! He forgot his recommend so we went to the front desk. There were 30+ weddings happening that morning! THEY SAID THAT WAS A SLOW DAY! I miss working in the temple, but I loved being able to see the workers and the spirit they brought. Our bishop and a ton of our ward were actually in the temple because our bishops daughter is going on a mission in May and went through that morning. So once we got the recorder and the permission from the bishop, we went down to the baptistery and saw him do about 4-5 names. I loved hearing everything in Spanish and helping translate for him. There were also so many youth, like SO MANY YOUTH doing baptisms there. That made my heart really happy to see so many youth and Honorio doing baptisms.
Saturday was pretty crazy too. We got home from temple square and were planning on doing our weekly planning, but then the Assistants to the President needed to meet with us and their convert who is going to be ours (we have a baptism on Saturday) and they were going to pass her over to us. NO ONE could give us a ride, then we FINALLY found a ride from the people that live behind us. Then she didn't show up because she was still sleeping (crazy work schedule) and then we got a ride from my grandma and grandpa Conger. THEN around 8:30 she asked us to meet at her house and so we had to get another quick ride. It was so cold and we were freezing calling every member in the ward and no one was able to or they were not picking up the phone. Then FINALLY we got a hold of the Relief Society President and she came.
Sunday was great, we got Gabby to meet our bishop and we are figuring out all her info for the baptism on Saturday morning! Junior got baptized on Sunday, he is 14 and baptized in an English ward but his family we are trying to teach and they only speak Spanish. So I bore my testimony in Spanglish.
Ou te alofa ia te oe, I love you in Samoan :)
Te amo
I love you all
con mucho amor,
Hermana Blankmeyer
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