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at the Provo Temple today |
Benjamin our "investigator" |
Awk Family pics |
Well this week was QUITE the week!
Conferencia General son MARAVILLOSA!! Me gusta mucho el discurso de Neil L. Andersen, he even said my favorite scripture. Helaman 5:12! I felt like this general conference would be awesome because I'm at the MTC, and it was, pero honestamente, I invited many of the investigators to watch general conference and so I had my "investigator ears" on more than I did my missionary ears. That talk really touched ME personally so I really loved it. We also were able to watch the General Womens Broadcast, which TOTALLY made me excited to see 8 and 9 year old girls there. It REALLY made me wish I was at the stake center watching it with my mom and sisters, BUT I LOVE YOU ALL AND MOM- THANK YOU for helping me be the young lady I am today. You are my rock and I look up to you in every way so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. In about 17 months I'll be giving you a HUGE hug of thanks so be ready for it :)
*ALSO SIDENOTE: The David Archuleta, "Called to Serve" documentary at http://davidarchuleta.com/home/?p=5864 was pretty sweet especially because I WAS IN IT!!* (During the part where he lead the missionaries in singing I was up in the bleachers wearing a black and white shirt kinda in the middle)
**ANOTHER SIDENOTE: My mission president, Carlos W. Trevino, Jr. got called as a GENERAL AUTHORITY! How awesome is that?!
A LOT of wonderful things where said that conference weekend. The devotional that sunday night was BYU Vocal Point. I started to feel the spirit so strong when they where sharing experiences from missions and their music. (I felt like I was listening from my iPod but it was way better because it was live). I seriously LOVED the hymns they shared and felt the spirit so strong. We then watched a film of Jeffrey R. Holland at the MTC on Thanksgiving morning a couple years ago. It was WONDERFUL!!
This whole week has been full of "lasts & laughs" We had a ton of investigators to say goodbye too but also felt the spirit in SO MANY lessons. Tuesday Night Devo was with an Emeritus General Authority Elder Neuenschwander and his wife! They had AWESOME talks and I learned so much.
I GOT A HAIRCUT! I took my dads advice and got a buzz so that I wouldnt be super hot in Mexico like Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite. JK (just kidding) but I did get a trim because I figured....I might as well.
We had in-field orientation on Friday and it was SUPER FUN! It got me super excited for the field, (even though I arrive in Mexico at 10:30 pm and literally get up at 5:30 that morning). But in all honesty I know that EVERY investigator, area, and companion are for a reason. NOTHING IS RANDOM and I love that. I love that mi proposito es invitar a las personas a venir a Cristo. ITS soooo important.
I've been hearing so much about the Semana Cena (Holy Week) in Mexico and I'm thankful that in Mexico Easter is C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E.L.Y. focused on the Savior and not on an Easter bunny (which is fun). However, I personally gained a bigger testimony a year ago when I had to speak on Easter Sunday about our Savior's Atonement. I cannot thank Him enough for all that He suffered and He went through for all of us to be able to return to live with Him again. The investigators I was teaching told me that they could tell that I was a representative of Christ and it really touched me. I'm so thankful for the knowledge I have that HE LIVES!
Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and hear about my adventures! I'll be in Veracruz the next time I email (my pdays (preparation day) are Monday) and I unfortunately cannot email anyone except family but PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND ME YOUR ADVICE AND tell me about the EVENTS IN YOUR LIFE! I WILL read them and write you a handwritten letter so your addresses would be helpful too!
Love you all, Stay safe and Happy Easter!
Con Amor,
Hermana Blankmeyer
ps.We were "missionary hosts" for new missionaries on Wednesday! Which was super fun and THENN we were EXAMPLES for the 39 new missionaries on "how to begin teaching" which was a CRAZY awesome experience and I felt the spirit. The weirdest part was when I wanted to teach in spanish... but it was all in English. They told us that we were not speaking full sentences on our first time. But the second time was much better. So thats good!!! It was so awkward teaching and formulating English sentences pero es mal porque nos ensenamos solamente en espanol.
Also (those preparing for missions will get this) I WAS TAUGHT BY THE DISTRICTS ONE AND ONLY ELDER CHRISTENSEN!
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