Monday, April 28, 2014

There can be MIRACLES

Well here I am again folks!

We have soooo much happening here in a week its crazy to know where to start and what to say! 

Lucy  is an investigator that we went to and just balled our eyes out crying. Her daughter is SUCH a great example to her and she is having difficulties with her marriage. Her husband is really aggressive and its heartbreaking to see this all happening. But we love and pray for her daily.

Catolina... where to begin?! I mentioned her in the last blog post.  She is the sweet abuela that repeats what I say when I pray with her. She is one crazy, hilarious lady and literally she changed, like full on every article of clothing in front of my compie and I. We tried so hard not to laugh at this crazy old lady that we love, we went to her sons house, because his son is 17 and not a member but everyone else is. She talked the ear off of the poor taxi driver then started saying who knows what in our lesson with her grandson. It was great because everyone was laughing at her in the end. 

Diana Laura.. She just needed her dads signature on her baptism papers since she is only 14 years old. Her dad seems pretty wishy washy on the whole thing but we continue to have faith and pray. 

Jose was baptised before I came here but has yet to receive the Holy Ghost, so we went to his house (His dad is Urbano) and we sang a hymn and invited him to come to church to receive the holy ghost. 

Oscar is an 8 year old spunky kiddo. I love him! His mom is a less active member and he has 2 twin brothers that are 4 years old. They are a crazy, but awesome family. He is the man of the house because his dad actually died a couple months ago. He wants to be baptized and you should have seen him beg his mom to go to church! Also, at the end of every lesson they ask me how to say ____ in English. 

*Side note: I teach English every Tuesday and Thursday at the church, and the kids usually bring old tests or homework, and the material they learn is not proper English, so I may be coming back to Mexico to teach English to these kids*

Thursday both me and my compie were sick. So we went to the doctor, lunch with a member, and tried to rest so that tomorrow we could get back to work. We went to a lady named Diana Sedeno. She has already been taught by the missionaries and had a kinda awkward experience. She felt like she never got an answer and that they didn't care about her. There was a million things running in my mind when I heard her story. But the one thing that stood out to me was a hymn. Mas Cerca Dios de ti. (Nearer My God, to Thee). I sang it (solo, scared out of my mind) but once I finished the song, I looked up and tears were in her eyes and I know that she received an answer. That was an experience I will never forget.

WE HAD ZONE CONFERENCE!! It was way cool to see some of my friends from the MTC, and everyone. Lots of pictures were taken, videos were shown, and many spiritual lessons were shared. I felt like I could literally move mountains afterwards. 

There are days here where we meet someone new and teach them and see potential but they call and tell us that for whatever reason they can't meet with us again. It breaks our hearts. 

But then there are days where exact obedience comes in, testimonies are strengthened, and I think to myself, GOOD LUCK trying to get me on an airplane home in 2015! Diana Laura was baptized after church on Sunday! She is SUCH an example and she is my first baptism! I felt the spirit so strong and I remembered my baptism day. 

I love you all and know without a doubt that this church is true! Exact obedience leads to miracles, and that I'm exactly where I need to be right now. 

Con Amor,
Hermana Blankmeyer 

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