AHHHH!! One week DOWN! Crazy to think how time flies because we are BUSY missionaries!

Guadalupe is an investigator who has gone through her fair share of missionaries. (Hermana Adorable taught her) She was having a really hard time because her husband has 2 other women and someone keeps slashing her tires on her car. She is unsure what she needs to do. She doesn't have much money, it cost a lot, and it has happened more than once. When we came over her kids (oldest turns 8 next month) were all sick, and she had a lot of stress. She was just very unsure of what needed to be done. We sat and helped her pray to ask for help. Then the next day, we received a message from her asking when her daughter could be baptized! She told us that she and her daughter want to be baptized on the same day. Even though it is a while away, SHE put herself down for a baptism date! We have been teaching her and the stories she shares are so powerful. She has a desire and we can just see how much the gospel will bless her life.
Rosa we just got to talking and meeting, we invited a member who is her neighbor. We just started trying to get to know her and she started talking for super long about how she had 2 miscarriages, (she has 2 kids now) and she was told in a dream that the catholic church wasn't right, but to join the correct one. She believes that she will see her kids again. She is such a sweet parent and so ready to hear the message we have to share!
I placed a book of mormon with a sweet lady named Maria. She recently got in a car accident and has a 6 week recovery period. She is from Guatemala and her kids live there now. She has 3 more weeks before she is allowed to leave the house and hopefully come to church with us!
I've noticed many differences between this mission and Mexico. I love that I know more spanish now so I am able to contribute more to the lessons. In a way I feel like I'm getting a second mission opportunity and for that I am grateful.
Sunday was really good! The sacrament talks were focused on friendship, family, and obedience. Gospel principles was really good too, and relief society was amazing. I love the ward and members here. Everything about this work makes me happy and so excited to get referrals and meet new people to teach the gospel too.
Please remember, families are a gift of god. Marriage is a gift and we need to cherish that always. We need to do service to everyone in the family and to those in need. Pray for people who are ready for the gospel and go to the temple with them in mind. Then OPEN YOUR MOUTH and invite them over for a Family Home Evening, or sunday dinner with the missionaries. This way they get to meet them and have people to teach. So what if its scary? or they say no? Pray for confidence and strength then watch miracles happen as your invite!
I love you all and know without a doubt in my mind that this gospel is true. I hope you all take the time to think of people to share this message with.
Con Amor,
Hermana Blankmeyer
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