Friday, December 25, 2015
Joy in the Journey: FELIZ NAVIDAD
Joy in the Journey: FELIZ NAVIDAD: **ASK THE MISSIONARIES IN YOUR WARD WHEN YOU CAN TEACH WITH THEM NEXT!!*** "Therefore let your light so shine before this people, ...
Friday, November 20, 2015
Quick Update
Wow! Its been a day since I've written...(or 5 months) but I'm back! I have decided to somewhat catch up on the blog and revamp it in order to hold myself more accountable on writing and letting myself talk about what I love and am involved in.
So I wanted to just start off updating everyone that I'm back studying Communications/ Journalism at Utah State University. I love love LOVE that field and I'm so excited to see where it takes me! I'll be minoring in spanish (S/O to the mission) and I'm living right off campus in the Kappa Delta House. (Right across the street from the student center & Institute)
I started school August 31st and have LOVED being back. It was for sure a little bit of an adjustment but I just love being able to see my friends and make some new ones! My great grandma turned 100 the Saturday that school started. Also Braxton turned 22!
Labor Day Weekend, we all took a very spontaneous road trip to Colorado Springs! My family moved over the summer and we figured we might as well go visit them for a little weekend and then drive back. It was so fun to see my family's new home and city that they live in.
Recruitment was the week after and MAN that was a dream. I had gone through Fall Recruitment in 2013, but never got the opportunity to help Kappa Delta Recruit new sisters! I came home from my mission and remember it was fall recruitment and looking at all my new sisters made me super excited for them but also pretty sad that I wasn't there to experience Bid Day. So you can imagine how excited I was. The theme was so cute and well executed. It is THE best day (comparable to christmas morning) to all sorority girls. Our chapter is growing so much and has around 120 girls!
I got THE BEST littles ever. (I know you hear that from every sorority girl, but honestly I love LOVE them) They are the best ever because I see how much they have to offer Kappa Delta and they're the sweetest most genuine girls and are so unique yet such examples to me in many different aspects. For those that don't know a big is more than just a title, it includes:
-mentor/role model in and outside of Kappa Delta
- making sure they feel comfortable in a sisterhood and understand their self worth in everything that they do
- someone to hang out with whenever (including late night/early morning runs)
- someone to cry with, laugh with, vent with, etc.
- someone to help study with and help give advice
- going out to shop, dinner, get nails done, celebrate with, etc.
Someone to be a lifelong sister and be 100% committed to them and maintaining that relationship with them. I love them dearly.
We had our sororities founders day. Want more information about it? Ask a new member in Kappa Delta Sorority. (Our founders founded Kappa Delta on October 23, 1897) **Also that same day I went to SLC and had a consultation to dye my hair grey/silver**
The HOWL was so fun and my lovely sister got to come up from BYU! I was so so so happy because its so fun to have her at school in Utah with me and see her have so much fun. I love how close we have gotten and I know she will always have my back no matter what.
Initiation weekend is so FUN! We just have a ton of time to bond as sisters & allow the new members the opportunity to become fully apart of the sisterhood. I love our ritual and everything it stands for. I love the opportunity I get to grow and become a better sister, friend, daughter, and women.
International Girls Day was probably THE BEST DAY EVER! It was our first Girl Scout event of the year and I love love LOVE being apart of an organization that helps mentor girls and allow them to achieve and put their minds to anything their little hearts could ever desire. I loved meeting a little girl 2 years ago and then sitting by her helping her paint a picture of her family. I loved being able to help the teenage girls write some confidence quotes and allowing them to make some for friends, or to put at home or in their locker. I love helping with our philanthropy.
Thats pretty much all I've been up too. I promise to continue updating more often and less of a crazy mess. Im so thankful for everyone i've met this year and the new experiences and friendships I've made in these past couple months.
p.s. shoutout to tim & brady
{just remember how much you love me}
So I wanted to just start off updating everyone that I'm back studying Communications/ Journalism at Utah State University. I love love LOVE that field and I'm so excited to see where it takes me! I'll be minoring in spanish (S/O to the mission) and I'm living right off campus in the Kappa Delta House. (Right across the street from the student center & Institute)
I started school August 31st and have LOVED being back. It was for sure a little bit of an adjustment but I just love being able to see my friends and make some new ones! My great grandma turned 100 the Saturday that school started. Also Braxton turned 22!
Labor Day Weekend, we all took a very spontaneous road trip to Colorado Springs! My family moved over the summer and we figured we might as well go visit them for a little weekend and then drive back. It was so fun to see my family's new home and city that they live in.
Recruitment was the week after and MAN that was a dream. I had gone through Fall Recruitment in 2013, but never got the opportunity to help Kappa Delta Recruit new sisters! I came home from my mission and remember it was fall recruitment and looking at all my new sisters made me super excited for them but also pretty sad that I wasn't there to experience Bid Day. So you can imagine how excited I was. The theme was so cute and well executed. It is THE best day (comparable to christmas morning) to all sorority girls. Our chapter is growing so much and has around 120 girls!
I got THE BEST littles ever. (I know you hear that from every sorority girl, but honestly I love LOVE them) They are the best ever because I see how much they have to offer Kappa Delta and they're the sweetest most genuine girls and are so unique yet such examples to me in many different aspects. For those that don't know a big is more than just a title, it includes:
-mentor/role model in and outside of Kappa Delta
- making sure they feel comfortable in a sisterhood and understand their self worth in everything that they do
- someone to hang out with whenever (including late night/early morning runs)
- someone to cry with, laugh with, vent with, etc.
- someone to help study with and help give advice
- going out to shop, dinner, get nails done, celebrate with, etc.
Someone to be a lifelong sister and be 100% committed to them and maintaining that relationship with them. I love them dearly.
We had our sororities founders day. Want more information about it? Ask a new member in Kappa Delta Sorority. (Our founders founded Kappa Delta on October 23, 1897) **Also that same day I went to SLC and had a consultation to dye my hair grey/silver**
The HOWL was so fun and my lovely sister got to come up from BYU! I was so so so happy because its so fun to have her at school in Utah with me and see her have so much fun. I love how close we have gotten and I know she will always have my back no matter what.
Initiation weekend is so FUN! We just have a ton of time to bond as sisters & allow the new members the opportunity to become fully apart of the sisterhood. I love our ritual and everything it stands for. I love the opportunity I get to grow and become a better sister, friend, daughter, and women.
also slaved over these plaques |
International Girls Day was probably THE BEST DAY EVER! It was our first Girl Scout event of the year and I love love LOVE being apart of an organization that helps mentor girls and allow them to achieve and put their minds to anything their little hearts could ever desire. I loved meeting a little girl 2 years ago and then sitting by her helping her paint a picture of her family. I loved being able to help the teenage girls write some confidence quotes and allowing them to make some for friends, or to put at home or in their locker. I love helping with our philanthropy.
Thats pretty much all I've been up too. I promise to continue updating more often and less of a crazy mess. Im so thankful for everyone i've met this year and the new experiences and friendships I've made in these past couple months.
p.s. shoutout to tim & brady
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
"Prayer is less about changing our circumstances and more about changing us. It is about seeking His will and asking for His help to do what we need to do." Elder Kevin W. Pearson
I went to the doctor for a checkup and they said all is well! So when I get home it's just a matter of time to find the foods that trigger the symptoms the most and stay away from them so I can keep doing the things I love most. I really enjoy the peace I feel at my grandparent’s home. Their home reminds me of the temple. I love them so much and their desire to help and serve me. I was talking to my grandma about her anniversary which is coming up in June. It was fun to hear the many stories that were shared. I love her and my grandpa. I hope to have a wonderful marriage one day like them.
I went to another doctor as a last follow up checkout kind of deal. He's a great doctor and I actually loved getting to know him. I invited him to come to my farewell talk on Sunday night. He said he'd be there. I'm excited :). We had a lesson in Escalate with a sweet investigator and Alofa (our member) came out with us. She invited such a sweet spirit that really contributed well to the lesson. I love when members come and help those who are in the process of learning. It shows genuine love and concern. We all should strive to help the missionaries in their sacred calling. It is not our work, but instead the members. We just have the dedication and time to do more of the work. But we have a responsibility to help. The Lord is hastening His work. I cannot wait to help others come to find the joy and peace I have gained thanks to this gospel! I hope to continue to magnify my calling, attend the temple, and do what's required of me in order to help grow His kingdom.
“I give unto you a commandment that you shall teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom.
“Teach ye diligently … that you may be instructed more perfectly … in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God.”
We were able to meet with some referrals we had been given. We gathered some return appointments, showed some videos and left with invitations.
The next day was exchanges and I was feeling really bad. It was a different pain though. It felt as if I was bruised all around my abs and back. I was sore and felt so bruised. I prayed. Simply thanking Heavenly Father for the rest I had received, for another day as a missionary, and for the opportunity to learn from this trial. I stayed at a member’s home. I talked to her about certain things regarding her health and mine. I love sweet Sister Barker. While I was there, I was able to read general conference and see some Mormon messages. One really took me back. It's called The Hope of God's Light. Then I went to another home where the stake president’s wife would be my companion and she was hosting a baby shower for a less active in her ward. So many people were dropping off food and gifts that it started to scare Sister Starr. She thought no one would come. She was hoping I'd be able to help her and I did. A great number of people attended. It was nice to be able to see the influence of women coming together to celebrate a baby girl. I loved the opportunity to serve these women of all ages. It was a great experience and the stake president’s wife was thankful I could be there too.
We had our music practice and it went over pretty well. I like to make things unique so I'm pretty sure it'll change by the actually baptism day.
We read the Book of Mormon with two of our investigators. Then we were able to get into a potential investigator’s home! It was awesome. We almost met our goal of 3 new investigators this week. But I'm glad we got at least 2 because there was a time this area was lacking on people to teach. I have faith we will be able to find those ready to receive this gospel. They're God's children and He wants them to return home. I know I have a duty to leave this area better than I found it. I know that as I put my faith and trust in the Lord anything is possible.
Today we were able to meet with a less active who's going through some hard times. I was able to listen and discern his needs and remember that Mormon message, The Hope of God's Light. He said that's exactly what he needed and that he was thankful we were there for him. We let him know that everything will be okay. God has a beautiful divine plan for each of us. Many times we think he is not there or has left us to be alone for a time when in reality - He is ALWAYS there guiding us and helping us. I have such a strong testimony of that.
Friday was my last district meeting and weekly planning. This week I'll be at a session with all those departing (24 missionaries) at the SLC temple with our mission president and his wife. It was crazy and we (sister Loy and I) bore our testimonies since it was our last. It was good prep for next Sunday I guess, haha. We were able to teach a lot of new people on Friday. It rained a lot this week again and on Tuesday the mission will be taking a lot of the cars out of areas so we will not have a car this week. But I'm thankful for the opportunity to go out and be on the streets where there are people to talk to all around
We went to the temple with the Barajas! It was amazing. I love the Salt Lake City temple it has such meaning for me and the opportunity to go and see such a family who I love so much go through the temple made me beyond words. Although I didn't teach Karen or Mario I did help them with getting to the temple. I love the temple and the guidance and joy it brings me. Temples have such a deep place in my heart. It's a wonderful place of refuge.
We were able to teach the end of the plan of salvation to our investigator in Escalante and invited her to be baptized! She told us she had been thinking that and wondered when we would finally ask. June 6th is the date she wants to be baptized. So we will prepare everything in order for that to happen. We got to see a less active and talk to him about general conference. He's such a sweetheart and light to the world. We all love him dearly.
Looking into this week as my last has me in a ton of mixed emotions. Mainly denial, haha. Today's my last pday. This is the last email and day to stress about everything I need to get done so I can be prepared to help the world. Tuesday, I have a follow up appointment with another doctor. Wednesday, a normal day of missionary work :) Thursday, I have my departure interview with my mission president. Friday, I have the temple all day. Saturday, I have a baptism and my parents come into town; and Sunday, I give a lot of testimonies, lessons, and leave my mission at 5:30 pm.
Words can't even describe how much I love this work and area. The people have completely changed my life here in Utah and Mexico. I love the culture and have done everything I could do adopt it in me to better help the people here. I love the language. I know I'll continue to study it after so I may help Heavenly Father’s children in the future. I've had so many experiences and different challenges on my mission. My mission was NOTHING that I expected but everything I could ask for and more. I wouldn't change a second of it for the mission I expected a year ago. I have such a strong testimony of my Heavenly Father and how much He loves His children and guides them. I have a testimony on the importance of families and how they can be eternal. I know Heavenly Father calls prophets to teach and guide us. At a young age we were reminded that at general conference when the prophet speaks we need to act as if it was the Lord because "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." I know Thomas S. Monson on is our living prophet. I know the Lord came to the earth and established His church and that an apostasy was needed in order for it to be restored to the earth at the right time. I know Joseph smith was a prophet of God and he helped restored His church here on the earth. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. It contains and pertains to us everyday in our lives. The more we read it, the more guidance that is there. It was written 600 years before Christ, but could not be any more applicable than today. I have such a testimony of fasting and prayer. I know Heavenly Father wants to bless us and hears every prayer. He answers them in His timing. I know the plan of salvation was given to us to prepare us to meet God again. I know I lived with Him up in heaven. I know I chose my family and we all decided to strive to help one another when we came down to earth. I know that the things I do here are so important in my life now and the future. I know that we should have faith, repentance, baptism, having the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
Con Amor,
Hermana Blankmeyer
Friday, May 22, 2015
Filling our homes with Light and Truth
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my Compies and a little girl at the fair |
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Beautiful flowers from Brax |
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Busy on the new iPads. |
Elder Price and Hermana Blankmeyer |
"And again, I say unto you, I remember my servant Oliver Granger;
behold, verily I say unto him that his name shall be had in sacred
remembrance from generation to generation, forever and ever, saith the
Therefore, let him contend earnestly for the redemption of the
First Presidency of my Church, saith the Lord; and when he falls he
shall rise again, for his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me than
his increase, saith the Lord."
-D&C 117:12-13
We went to go see a part member family on Monday night. I think sister
Pula was put in this area at this time to meet him (the nonmember) and
help him commit to baptism. We sang "a donde me mandes iré" (I'll go
where you want me to go) and read 1 Nefi 3:7 (1 nephi 3:7) she just
asked that we pray for her two kids that are not active.
We went to Escalate to go visit a sweetheart investigator who calls us
"her girls". We talked to her about the plan of salvation. She suffers
from memory loss but she loves reading the Book of Mormon. She has a
belief that we lived with God before we came to Earth and that we each
have a purpose here on Earth to prepare us to meet with God. She told
us about her concern and how she feels bad that she can't remember
anything we really teach. I felt inspired to ask her how she feels
when she reads. She told me "it really gets me" as she held her
wrinkly and delicate hands to her heart. She paused and started
getting teary eyed. She explained how she was begining to feel of its
truthfulness. I told her to pray and to remember how she feels. If she
focus on how she feels she will be able to truly understand these
truths we all knew before coming to earth. We were able to come back
the next day and read the Book of Mormon with her. We read 3 Nephi 11.
She really applied it to herself and was able to feel the spirit
testifying to her that it was true.
We walked ALOT this week. There was maybe 1 sunny day if that? I hate
the rain but it was such a blessing to be able to get outside and walk
in the rain with my companions and do missionary work. It really
reminded me of Mexico when Hermana Guerra and I walked in the rain.
We got our IPADSSSSSS!!!! We were super excited. We had a LOT of steps
to go through since they have a ton of security and such. But it was
so nice to finally get it. I get to keep mine and they'll take off the
restrictions before I leave so it's not a "missionary iPad"
We had a lesson with a less active who is not progressing. She says
she wants to come to church but every time we offer her a ride she
says no. We talked it over, read the testimonies of the 3 and 8
witnesses of the Book of Mormon. She had a lot of good insight. She
says she reads and prays everyday (I believe she does) but she doesn't
want to understand the reason why we go to church. I'm the only one in
the companionship who has ever done a "drop talk" which is where you
just kindly let them know that we aren't able to come to her house if
she doesn't come to church. There are more people willing and ready to
receive this gospel and if she's not willing to progress and we are
always at her home.... She totally understood and we told her members
from church would be stopping by but we could probably only see her once
every 2 weeks.
We visited a less active in Escalate who is going through a really
tough time with her grandchild. We had the zone leaders and district
leaders both come to give her a blessing. They got to know her a
little bit and about the situation then she asked Elder Speidel to
give the anointing and my district leader Elder Lopez the blessing. It
was a really good blessing and the spirit was super strong. Then I
decided to share a scripture that all of us recieved in training
last Friday on charity and love. I shared Moroni 7:45-48 :
And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and enviethnot, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.
I told her I was thinking of her and her granddaughter. I told her sometimes we
get frustrated with our bodies or the way doctors work. I told her I
could relate. Not only myself but seeing the way doctors have treated
my family, and friends. But I then explained, if we have charity and
love for ourselves and our doctors. Heavenly Father will bless them in
the way that they need in order to perform the surgeries, tests,
amputations, etc that are needed for us to go and progress. It was a
really good lesson and I think she was able to apply such before her
I learned how to make Samoan graduation leis!!!! It's a tradition that
sister Pula was telling me about awhile ago. All of our appointments
canceled on us and now that I'm leaving I'm trying to show sister
Platt and pula who lives where and such so when I go they know
everything. We went to go see a member in escalate but he wasn't home
so we asked Alofa his neighbor and she said that he left to California
about a week ago and didn't tell anyone. She let us come in and her
sister was making some leis for her grandkids (I think). We helped
her. It's totally easy and I'm gonna make one for my FAVORITE graduate
this year!! So our dinner canceled on us so like every missionary
would do, we tried ordering pizza. Yes tried.... We went home and saw
a HUGE accident that completely knocked out the power
Like everywhere.
So we tried calling...and calling....and calling.....and
calling.....and then we just decided to eat at home. THEN the power
came back on and we called and got our pizza. But never again will we
call this place because we were all types of struggling that night.
The pizza did not help us feel better. Must have been in the oven when
the power went out idk.
We had a meeting with the auxiliaries in escalate. WARNING: DO NOT
wife doesn't call me Sister Blankmeyer. It's now, "Oh! Let's have
Sophia say the prayer since she's leaving us in 2 weeks" .....I never
had told anyone and the one time I tell, this is what I get. Hahah
anyways it was a great meeting on Sabbath day worship in the home. It
gave me a lot of great ideas and things I want to apply at school and
in my future home.
We FINALLY (I give him a hard time) had district meeting. Elder Lopez
had us give a training on making and keeping commitments. He joked
about how as missionaries we learn all the "will you...." questions so
that "one day we will ask the will you...marry me?" Hahah the whole
district laughed. I talked about promised blessings and promising
people specific blessings. It was a great and very spiritual training.
We were able to do some service and go represent the church at the
RosePark Fair. It was from 10-4 and we each had shifts. We did the
2:00 shift. It was raining and somewhat chilly. We had 2 people come
to our booth and grab some videos and candy. Then there was a man with
his 5 year old daughter. She asked if she could interview me for her
school. She asked my name and what I was doing here. Then she asked me
what i wanted to be when I grew up. I told her, I want to be YOU! I
want to be a reporter like she was. Then she looked at me and said "I
want to be YOU when I grow up. A sister missionary" it was darling. My
companion asked which ward he was attending and he said they were not
lds, but that they were thinking about it. We grabbed a photo with
We went to a 21 year old young single adult, Arturo's baptism. It was
such a tender and amazing baptism. One of the most spiritual ones. His
mom (our investigator) wasn't able to make it but she came at the very
end and we grabbed her and set up a time to come see her.
Church was amazing as always. We got to go to the Escalante Branch
since we didn't have meetings in the morning. It was nice to see so
many less actives, investigators, and other people I've been working
with since January come to the branch. We talked about the prodigal
son and the Book of Mormon. Our Spanish ward was great too. Lots of
returning members, no investigators :/ but it was great nonetheless.
We are going to be reaching gospel principles Sunday May 31st on the
family is eternal so get ready for some teaching mom & dad :)
I was so blessed this week to be able to have the strength and the
health to be able to go out to work with my companions. Some days I
needed a little more rest in the morning but it's a HUGE improvement
since the beginning of this journey. I know that the Lord is very
aware of me and my desires to serve Him. My prayers, studies, and many
more aspects of the gospel have changed for the better and I'm very
thankful for that. I'm thankful for the ward fast that was held for me
to feel better. So many blessings that I feel. I feel your love and
support. I have such a strong testimony of this gospel and how it
changes lives and it's changed my life. I love learning and teaching
this. I dislike the fact that soon I will be released and not called
to serve anymore, but I rejoice in the fact that the mission starts
again soon. That the people I teach I will be apart of their lives
forever. I will come down for the sealings, baptisms, and other
ordinances. I cannot wait for the mission calls to start coming again.
It's a beautiful ending to a miraculous start.
I love you all
Con amor
Hermana Blankmeyer
Monday, May 11, 2015
Happy Mother's Day!
"Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them."
"And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it." (Alma 56:47-48)
Last pday we were going to visit a couple people. I was holding the pamphlet and we knocked but they weren't home so we waited. However, they ended up not coming home. We were planning on teaching them the Plan of Salvation. So we knocked on the next door and contacted the lady that answered the door. We met her sons and were talking about how she has a wonderful and tight knit family and that it is from God and part of his plan.
We had our iPad training meeting on cinco de mayo..... we get the iPads on Wednesday! We will only be using them to teach. We don't get the area book app and planner until June, and then online Facebook will be later.. It was a great meeting though, it was fun to see the whole mission. I gave sister Spendlove a mothers day gift since she's been with me through a lot, it seemed necessary. I had an appointment and as I was leaving the appointment my doctor walked out, asked my companions in the waiting room, "Is she your companion?" pointing to me. I had no idea this was going on until an Elder told me congratulations, then my comps told me about what all had happened. They responded, "yes" and he said, "Congrats, you have the best sister missionary in the mission. LEARN FROM HER." It is so sweet to know my doctors truly want the best for me and the prayers I give on their behalf have been working. This week, a ton of our dinners fell through, thats never happened on my mission before, but I guess I needed the experience :) haha no. But, it was somewhat of a blessing because I needed to make sure my food was going to go well with my stomach.
Now that it's spring, the roses are in bloom (literally) and people are coming and going. Some are coming and staying while others are starting to prepare to move. Lots of changes, and like I always say. EVERYTHING seems to happen once the six week transfer is starting to come to a close. We have a ton of people that want to be baptized, and going through the temple for the first time. WE are SUPER excited for it:)
Sister Smith and I out in front of our house. |
We went to Apollo Burger with Sister Smith from Layton! It was so nice to see her and eat at a really good place. It was crazy to see the Hein's there! Crazy to think Elder Hein comes home just 8 days after I do! I'm happy to not be the only one coming home in June. Way crazy to think that the years have gone by so quick.
We had service!! We do the Utah Food Bank every first Thursday of the month for the Escalante Elderly people. It is always a blast. We had a yummmmmy lunch from a sweet Samoan sister.
I miss working in the temple. I realize it more when I'm asked about it. There is a sister going through with her husband on the 23rd and she was asking if what she bought was right. I'm super excited for that family. He has been investigating for around 5 years, got baptized 2 years ago, is planning on going through the temple (May 23rd) and getting sealed in January. He just recently got the priesthood and is the Elder's Quorum President, he is the best. He always listens to his scriptures and is such an example to his lifelong member wife.
We had a great Zone Training meeting and weekly planning session. Answers to our prayers came when my body was having a really hard time. I called the pharmacy seeing if it was a reaction to the meds, because it had never reacted like that before. I was trying to find a member split. Sister Spendlove asked if I could go to the 4:00 appointment. There was no member who was available. I told her I've been pushing myself, but it would probably be better if I rested. We weren't sure of what to do. I just told Sister Spendlove that I could go, she told me to go but not participate and focus on "resting" while in the lesson. This lesson was so important. It broke my heart when she told me to go but not to participate. Then literally at 4:00, Sister Barker (the Escalante branch presidents wife) called and told me I could stay there. The Elders came and gave me a blessing and then I started feeling a little better.
Sunday was such a sweet day to talk to my lovely mother on her special day! Once again. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! I love you so much mom and am so thankful for all you do for me. It was good to reflect on the first mothers day Skype we had in Mexico and this last one. Crazy I didn't cry;) Seriously I'm amazed at the person you are and who you helped me become. I'm a lot stronger and so thankful for you taking the word "can't" out of my vocabulary. We've had our fair share of ups and downs, but mainly ups. You always focus on the positive and try to help us in every aspect of our lives. Thank you for supporting me and for your letters each week. I hope to be like you when I have my future family. I loved the FHE we had as kids to teach us the basics of the gospel. YOU really helped prepare me for the mission. I could write a million things and more about how much you've done for me and it wouldn't even begin to explain my gratitude for you.
I love you mommy! Te amo mucho mami
Feliz dia de las madres
Con Amor,
Hermana Blankmeyer
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