"Therefore repent ye, repent ye, lest by knowing these things and not doing them ye shall suffer yourselves to come under condemnation, and ye are brought down unto this second death." -Helaman 14:19
We had a great week this week! I hope you all did too!
First, since last week was a holiday, we took a less active to come out shopping with us. We went to Uptown Cheapskate and then got some Chickfila at the city creek mall. It was so fun to go shopping and get some more "Spring-y" clothes!
We went and visited Candido, and I was super impressed because he seemed super present. I don't know if it's because he didn't drink that day or what because he was on it! He was so receptive and so in tune with the spirit.
We visited Escalante and talked to a member named Joyce. Her sister had open heart surgery in Ogden on Tuesday, so we decided to go a little later in the day to share an uplifting scripture. We talked about her family history, and learned more about the scriptures. She is a VERY knowledgable lady.
Our home inspectors came and we went to the doctor because Hermana Fernandez was breaking into hives and having an allergic reaction to something. We visited Honorio with Hermano Rojas and taught him about Obedience, Praying often, and reading the scriptures.
We then visited a lady who just let us in without question and asked us about our purpose. So we started explaining.... She then started yelling at us saying she has investigated so many different religions and that the Book of Mormon says, "NOTHING" about the bible. I looked her in the eyes and asked her "You read the WHOLE Book of Mormon and asked God to know if the things inside were true with a SINCERE heart?" She replied, "Well of course I did and even the story doesn't talk about the bible...nothing does." I then kept asking if she had sincerely read the whole book, she then admitted no she has not. Then she asked us a million different questions about Jehovah God, etc. We all three had scriptures to answer every question. I had a strong impression with every scripture that came into my head that was followed by a sweet small voice saying, "no". I could tell she was not at peace and wouldn't listen. We tried to set up a return appointment and asked her when we could answer the rest of her questions, she said she could only do Monday during our preparation day. She knew we have that day set aside and said she could do no other day, so we set up the appointment and then when we left, we asked each other how we felt. She wouldn't let us leave her with a word of prayer, and all of our answers to her questions would require her to feel the spirit and have an open mind and she doesn't. We all felt the spirit tell us to leave, and not bring up the scriptures to create a "Bible Bash". Thats not our purpose.
We later taught Bonnie the Word of Wisdom. I was super bold and loving when asking her to give me her cigarettes. In my head I was like "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH THEM IF SHE GIVES ME THEM?!?!" I knew the spirit was guiding me because I didn't think ahead of what would happen. She had actually just finished her last pack, so she didn't have any.
We had a poaching follow up meeting! Things have been getting a little better here in Rose Park, the only problem? OUR WARD IS FAMOUS. So many hispanic people that live in the Salt Lake area, or Taylorsville, some even outside our mission, are coming to our ward. It's sad and frustrating because they really should go to the ward in which they reside in. It helps because the bishop can receive the revelation needed for that ward, and each individual member, and the missionaries can do the work to the fullest if everyone is obedient in that aspect.
We met a new lady to teach! I will tell you more about her after we meet with her this week.
We were on exchanges this week. Hermana Fernandez and I stayed, and Sister Pearson came in, while Sister Reza went to the english ward area with Sister Aguliar. We visited Al from Escalante.... Oh Al. I love him so much. His wife was LDS, and he is Catholic. She died, and he thinks that if he meets with the missionaries it means shoving the LDS religion down his throat. I told him I just wanted to come talk, and we came inside. He started getting really defensive while Sister Pearson was asking questions. I knew the spirit was not there. I thought of his wife. I asked him to tell me about her, "She was beautiful even while she was sick until the day she died." He said," She had a light about her that shined so bright. Sitting with her at church made her and me happy and I wish I could experience that again..." I asked him what she taught him about the church, and then he started easing up, he realized it wasn't a battle against religion but, just a conversation about his love story. We invited him to come to church and he accepted!
District Meeting was great! We talked a lot about the Godhead and the importance of teaching the investigators the doctrine behind CPR. (Church attendance, Prayer, and Reading the scriptures) I explained my personal story of how I need to be fully converted because some returned missionaries become less active due to not understanding the reason why they need to keep CPR up. It is important to do it for yourself not because your parents made you, nor the mission. I love being obedient to Heavenly Fathers commandments. I know I want to be around people that are the same. That will help lift me up and help me when I have challenges. I love reading the scriptures daily, I love going to church and listening to the sacrament prayers in Spanish, I love praying and communicating with Heavenly Father every day, multiple times a day. If you are not doing these things, I invite you to start NOW! It is never too late, you are not too old, stubborn, young, or busy. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY. You are the only one keeping you from receiving those blessings.
I learned how to make Flautas (my FAVORITE dish) and pupusas! I love learning new things and being able to learn from other countries. Service is my favorite too. We helped a less active take out things from their apartment in order to help them get ready for new carpet.
We also taught Luis and Elsa! He is the man working on the new Provo temple, painting. He understands the spirit, and she is really worried about raising her kids up in this world. I love this family!
We helped Hermana Reza apply for college. She is looking at SFCC, CNM, and BYU. It took me back when I was applying for schools. She will do great in her life after the mission!
With Bonnie we also shared a scripture about Faith in Christ, and that through Him all things are possible. We taught the Barajas the Restoration.
We had such a crazy Sunday morning! We needed to do sooooooo many things all before 9am. We kinda got it all worked out, but Andee gave a GREAT talk at church, and we had a really spiritual time after church talking to Mario and Karen Barajas about their sealing.
***ALSO**** Mario had just advanced in the priesthood on Sunday and Hermana Fernandez needed a blessing from the Elders, and he was there to help! It was such a neat experience. AND one of our lost is now returned! :)
Con Amor,
Hermana Blankmeyer
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Your MISSION if you choose to accept it.... |
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So...these are the Rose Park 14 Charlies (or Gonzales/Gamble's) Angles. |
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Jose and Mario. Mario wanted to see what he would look like with girl hair. |
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Edith's daughter Leyla doing my hair with bobby pins on Sunday. |
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These are pictures from Hermana Reza's "going away party" from a sister in the ward, Edith. She also taught us how to make El Salvadorian Puposas. |
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