"I want you to teach the people- and I want you to follow this counsel yourself- that they must labor and so live as to obtain the Holy Spirit, for without this you cannot build up the kingdom; without the spirit of God, you are in danger of walking in the dark, and in danger of failing to accomplish your calling as apostles and as elders in the church and kingdom of God." -Brigham Young to Wilford Woodruff
***Take EVERY opportunity to talk about the gospel. Discuss such topics as the Savior, Book of Mormon, Bible, purpose of life, the family, and family history.***
WOW! This week was jam packed full of great miracles, impressions, and ANSWERS!!
I was at the mission home on Monday, got the ability to talk to my family about what has been going on with my health. It was so nice to hear their voices, and be able to move forward with the treatments! I'm feeling a little better, so thank you for the prayers and many thoughts.
We went to Celita's and we talked to her about the women's conference. We were able to talk about the things we each learned. It was so special to be THERE! I love being in the Conference Center, there is a special spirit there and we are all united as daughters of our Heavenly Father, no matter the age or background.
I was asked to go for a couple hours to serve in the YSA ward. They cover a huge area, and most of the lessons were on Temple Square. It was really cool to see the new missionary display they have on Temple Square about where the District Missionaries are now. We just saw a little bit of it before our lesson started. It was really cool to read the Book of Mormon in english with someone around my age. A little different then working in the Spanish family ward, like I have my whole mission. It was interesting to look at what it is like for someone around my age trying to come to church for the first time.
We read the Book of Mormon with a sweet sister that is trying to prepare to enter the temple. Sometimes taking the time out of your busy day is HARD! But, like we learned in General Conference, it is oh so rewarding. It really boosts my day and there is never a day I go without reading at least 7 pages of the Book of Mormon.
We taught Irene. She cried throughout our lesson of the Plan of Salvation. We asked her at the very end if she wouldn't mind saying the closing prayer. We asked if she should be baptized on the 25th of April. She prayed and knew that she could be baptized that day. It was such a spiritual moment that I wish I could share with everyone.
That night we had a family home evening with the Soperanez and Barajas. It was fun, the lesson that I was responsible for teaching came from the Ensign. We had a great discussion about being a light on a hill, and being the light of the world, something we are ALL commanded to do.
.....then we played apples to apples and I might have lost just by one card, for those who don't know, I do not lose playing that game....
We had a follow-up meeting with the trainers and trainees. I learned a TON that I'm excited to start applying in my daily work. President Spendlove is really on the ball over here and I love it! We had interviews with him and he is helping me reach my goal to understand more fully The Atonement. (So if any of you know of good talks or scriptures that would help, PLEASE send me the names and I'll read them!)
We played a small prank on President right after I got out of my interview. I used Sister Spendlove's phone and called our phone. Sister Fernandez answered (she was next to be interviewed) and we acted like it was her mom on the phone, I asked to speak to President Spendlove, when he answered the phone I said
"Hi! Is this President Spendlove?"
"HI! This is......sister Blankmeyer APRIL FOOLS!"
HE totally fell for it and was so scared, it was hilarious. He then came in the room afterwards and said "O hey sister Blankmeyer? Your dads on the phone...." haha he's a jokester. I love my mission president...he understands us Texans real well.
I got to see Great Grandma Ruth's home (well drive by it) on my way home from the doctor's. Then we went to lunch in Bountiful at Urban Country Boutique. It was super fun for Sister Fernandez to see old members in her old area.
We visited a recent convert, and helped him understand more about temples and the work we do there. He was really fun. We also helped a little 8 year old boy get ready for his baptism. He comes from a somewhat less active family. His mom wants him to do it because he wants to, so we are helping him understand more about baptism.
Also Eugiene...he is such a star! He is 9 and loves hearing about God and learning what we teach him. He is such a smart boy who really steps up because he has no father figure in the home.
District Meeting was so spiritual! I helped give a training on how we are committed to the work! We read a really good poem that left us all crying. We visited Perla and read the Book of Mormon with her and talked with a recent convert about Patriarchal Blessings!
Wahoo it started off with us eating breakfast at a ward in our building and then we watched conference at the Holtry's home. Then we left to go to the conference center (traffic was kinda crazy, not as bad as I expected) and then once we get there our people canceled. So we were walking around temple square thinking of who we could invite or give the two tickets to. Then someone grabbed my shoulder and quickly hugged me-

SISTER BOMAN!! It was crazy to see her again and literally a year ago that day! We were soo happy to be able to have 2 conferences together (MTC & CONFERENCE CENTER). Then we kept walking and saw some old missionaries from this mission. Then we went a little off the square, over by a garden and sat down to text some people. I saw a sweet family from Layton whom I loved! Then I was sitting really thinking hard of who we could text. I looked up from my planner and see a family. One that looked familiar, without even thinking they were coming our way and I immediately jumped up off the bench and said, "No WAY!" and then the tears started.... THE MISSION PRESIDENT I HAD IN MEXICO!!
He and his family had come from Monterrey, Mexico to see conference! It was such a special moment because Presidente Trevino told me before I left Mexico that there would be a day (and he wasn't sure when) he would see me again with my name-tag serving a mission. THAT DAY WAS SATURDAY!!!!
Then not only that, we had an INCREDIBLE session of conference. That night we had 4 new investigators. MIRACLES IN ROSEPARK!
Sunday morning we left early to go pickup our recent convert for conference and we went to go watch music and the spoken word. We were there really early but it was really good because we got REALLY good seats. Another amazing session. So many questions were answered and Kevin Hamilton got to represent my first home ward that I'm from and say the last prayer. It was great! Then we went to our stake presidents home for lunch in between sessions. We watched the last session in a members home.
This week of Easter and the Holy Week was soo amazing to reflect and ponder. I hope you all enjoyed watching He lives or Gracias a que El vive. I truly loved sharing it with so many people. Please don't forget to #HeLives and post it so more people can see it.
I love you all and remember that the words which were given are truly inspired and directed by Heavenly Father. The spirit I felt when I heard the prophets and Apostles talk was something inde
scribable and I will be going to hear every year. I love this gospel and what it has brought to my life and family. I love how yesterday changed ALL of our lives. He is risen!
Con Amor y Feliz Pascua
Hermana Blankmeyer
Beautiful flowers I received for Easter and Conference. Thank you Brax! |