"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." - 2 Nephi 2:27
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President and I at our last zone conference. My last picture with him. |
We taught Celita with Hermana Latourette. It was such a powerful and amazing lesson! We taught her about the Plan of Salvation and I helped her understand my testimony of it. Thanks to what I personally have been through in my life experience. I know one day we will all be perfected. I know I will see Sister Hansen again and that she is helping teach others about the gospel.
Sister Reza had a dentist appointment for a cavity she needed filled. We taught a sister who is less active. She has such great potential. I cannot wait to work with her!
We did service again for those people in Escalante. Elders Fielding, Tauai, Gonzalez, and Gamble all helped us too. We delivered their food boxes to those who are home bound. We realized we didn't have dinner so I was trying to find someone to feed us. Our phone died in the middle of the day so we had to go to the Barajas' to charge it. Once we did, our dinner picked us up :) We had dinner in Salt Lake with Jon Argyle. Also, there was a surprise guest at my dinner- MY brother & dad. It was a tender mercy to see them and to have dinner with them.
ZONE MEETING WAS THE BEST! We met President and Sister Spendlove, we learned about their family, and his vision for our mission. He is inspired and called of God. He had me writing so many notes and impressions I could barely take a breath. He really touched my heart at the end. I'm so excited to work with him and see the progress of these next few transfers I have left on the mission in this GREAT UTAH SALT LAKE CITY MISSION!
We went to the Salt Lake Temple with Jose and Maria Barajas on Friday night. It was such a great experience.
-First we had to be at our baptismal interview with Gabby at 9
-We practiced the musical number at 10 and totally changed it at around 10:45
-Baptism at 11
- We (Elder Tapia, Elder Carroll, and I) sang a different version of Hallelujah for the baptism
- 12:00 noon we had lunch with Sister Smith
-1:00 we had ice cream with the STL's because Sister Reza was leaving
- we went shopping for things Sister Reza needed at 2
- visit everyone we needed to until 7
-7:30 we had the surprise birthday party for Sister Fernandez
(Sister West, Elder Gamble and I also sang Hallelujah as I played Hermano Barajas guitar)
-- I wish i could send videos--
Church was crazy because of Daylight Savings time... Sister Reza gave her last remarks since she has worked in this ward for 6 months. Then NO ONE came to gospel principles because everyone had something....
We went home, had a quick lunch, started exchanging journals for everyone to write. Then we went to dinner, and caught some other people that Sister Reza needed to see before she left at 6 for her departure testimony meeting. We went to a Relief Society Fireside that was super good.
I am staying in the 14th ward, the elders are leaving so we are the only ones covering it, ALSO WE ARE TRAINING!!!!! It should be a GREAT transfer! We have a lot of goals set and I'm hoping to work harder that Sister Fernandez this transfer.(she goes home in April)
Con Amor,
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