Wednesday we had a W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. meeting with around 4 or 5 zones with our president and his family, since they are leaving for Monterrey on July 10th. It was a meeting that started with a group picture at the Veracruz Temple and started with the videos from the new missionaries, the missionaries leaving in this transfer, and some surprise videos from every zone. They're were funny, and really sweet ones. Then testimonies from the missionaries leaving really touched my heart. I have a long time until I'm there in their shoes but I know that I need to take their advice and really cherish every moment, good and bad on the mission. Everything is sent for us for our progress and learning. There are times when we don't understand why the trial is in front of us. But if I've learned anything from the mission so far, its that I need to TRUST IN HIM. He knows exactly why we are placed in our situations, and we should pray to try to understand the reason or find the way that He would have us face them.
The kids of presidente and his wife spoke to us. They had us all crying. We sang "Para Siempre Dios este con Vos" (God Be with You Till We Meet Again) and it was a struggle for everyone to sing the song. There were parts where we just couldn't sing the notes because we were all crying, especially Presidente Trevino. He gave us some advice. 5 important points that we can be successful missionaries. 1. Be a worthy person, with virtue and have controlled thoughts. 2. Obey all the mission rules. 3. Have a divine companionship 4. Be diligent teachers and learners. 5. Have desire, faith, and love.
On Wednesday I went to go say goodbye to a special family to me. We shared a scripture, my favorite one, Helaman 5:12 "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
I explained that I love this scripture because it says "WHEN" the devil, its a certain thing that we will all pass through. Sometimes its hard and we don't want the hard times that we are given, but we should be happy in ALL our circumstances and try our best to keep going forward. I explained that I wanted to share something so special to me because they are so special and it would be the last time I'd be with them. Not a dry eye was in that house. They are so much like a family to me, they have done so much for me and it finally hit me that I would be leaving this wonderful people and this wonderful work. I told them my plans were to come to the States to get better, than go straight back to the mission. But I wouldn't likely serve in that ward again. They cried with me and my companion. The spirit was really strong in that room as we were saying the final prayer.
The next day we went to our food, and right after we were done eating we got a call from President saying Hermana Guerra would be leaving that ward too. Today would be our last day in Magisterio and so we ran back to our home and grabbed our journals and had about 3 hours to get everyone we wanted to write in our journals and take pictures with. Even though 3 hours sounds like forever trust me, emotions were everywhere and it was so hard for us to meet with everyone. I felt like we were running around crazy that day, from one side of town to the other every 5 minutes it felt like. When we finally got home we felt a little relaxed than realized we had SO much to do. We had to pack and get rid of practically everything. We were up really late cleaning and packing.
On the plane, I sat by a man who spoke spanish, but the flight attendant didn't. I helped him order a drink and then talked about the church with him and about his family. At first I was a little hesitant which isn't like me, especially as a missionary, but after we started talking everything felt right. Then I had a flight from Houston to Dallas, in the airport after our flight was delayed for about an hour. I was feeling really down and then a lady and her sweet daughters came up to me and started asking me questions. We took pictures and talked in spanish. It felt really good to speak in Spanish and help her out. She is a recent convert with her two daughters and they are visiting her mother in Fort Worth and wanted to know where a church building was that they could visit on Sunday.
It is so weird being home. Being released was hard too. I love being a missionary, I want more than anything to get better so that I can get right back to work. I'm doing my best to live like a missionary, so weekly emails are still the way to communicate with me and I'll be updating my blog in the meantime.
Saturday we went to a baptism in the morning! A young women in our ward has been taking the discussions and she had made the decision to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized. I wouldn't have asked for a better way to come back. I didn't know her but I introduced myself and told her how proud I am and He is with her decision. I was pretty much in tears because I felt the spirit so much in that baptism service. Her words were so powerful and I finally realize how important baptism and the covenants that we make, thanks to the mission.
Sunday we went to the Spanish Branch, which made me feel at home. Everything was in spanish and it helped bring peace and comfort to my heart. I said hi to some of the hermanas that I went with Hermana Munyer and Cattich before the mission. Then we went to my ward, and I was able to see my old building and people in the ward that I have known for so long. Then I went to another ward for a friends mission farewell. It was crazy to see him get ready to go and see some friends who are home for the summer. I kinda forget that life keeps going while youre on the mission. People grow up and schools out. I really miss everything about my mission. Every minute Im reminded of how much I miss the mission and how much of a desire i have to get back out to the field. We will see this week what the doctors feel we should do and see what can I do to get back as quickly as possible.
Love you all and your love for me! Thanks for the many hugs and comforting words y'all have given me! Im thankful for the many prayers and know that they will be answered and I will be able to return and finish what I have started.
Con mucho Amor,
Sophia Blankmeyer
Hermana Guerra and Hermana Blankmeyer at the Acuario |
Elder Hourigan, Hermana DeFriez, Hermana Arteaga, Elder Schriener, Hermana Guerra, Hermana Blankmeyer, Elder Gonzalez and Elder Bonilla at the last district meeting with Hna. Guerra's birthday cake |
Hermana Blankmeyer and Hermana Trevino at the conference |
Hermana Blankmeyer and Presidente Trevino at the conference |
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Hermana Blankmeyer and Sinai Cisneros |
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Hermana Blankmeyer and Hermana Cisneros |
Family Gomez Cano with the hermanas |
Hermana Guerra, Diana Laura (first convert), and Hermana Blankmeyer |
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